Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Prepping Part 3: Facing the Facts

Alright, so you've read my post on having a Get Out of Dodge (GOOD) bag, and you've even considered putting one together.  Maybe you took my words to heart and have made one already!  Whatever the case, this post will be covering the next step in this journey: EDUCATION.

I think everyone would agree that the world we live in is not the same as when we were children.  Our parents' and grandparents' generation would agree that the past 20 years has held a huge shift in politics, economic stability, and even opinions.  I would even argue that the past FIVE years have been particularly different.  We are witnessing a change in thinking.  We are witnessing a different way to view money and savings.  We are watching a new sort of political strife play out. 

In my husband's and my opinion, the current shift that is taking place is NOT Biblically founded, and therefore is not pleasing to God.  We seeing a rise of a police state, quite frankly.  Police raids on private property without a warrant has increased, as have incidents of restraint of citizens by police during emergency situations.  We see a gradual agenda to ban guns, and can feel the squeeze of limited ammunition availability.  We also see a weak and lazy American population in reference to entitlements, welfare, government programs, and voting. 

Without getting into details about the above observances, I do want to communicate how important it is for you and your family to know what is REALLY going on in our country.  Do your homework, compare news stories, and take the time to study statistics.  It would also be in your best interest to turn off the mainstream media stations (CNN, ABC, NBC, etc) and focus your energy on those news stations (they will be small) who are doing their best to bring truth and accuracy.  My husband and I are particular to the Glenn Beck program, as well as the Drudge Report online.  Watch laws. Watch prices. If something feels wrong, there is good reason to chase that feeling.

In short, our economy is hanging by a thread.  At any moment, the entire system could collapse, much like Black Tuesday in 1929.  For fellow wives and mothers out there, consider just the grocery store prices and how they have increased, almost doubled for some products, in the past year or two.  Bacon, ground beef, milk, eggs, lettuce; all of these and more have increased in price, following that of increased gas prices at the pump.  Increased prices are a result of something called INFLATION, which is something that occurs when an economy is in the desperation stage of it's illness.  This is the last gasping and grabbing at the surface of the water before we drown and die. 

The world functions proportionally.  In general, principles on small levels will still ring true (or even more so) on bigger levels.  Just like I cannot be $170,000 in debt and still function properly in everyday life, neither can our nation be healthily sustained with $17 TRILLION in money owed.  It's simply not possible.  Let me repeat that.  It. Is. Not. Possible.  One cannot hand a friend a gift when there is no gift in your hand in the first place.  I am no economic expert, but a simple google trip will give you story after story of well-known economists who have come out and said publicly we cannot continue down this road.  We WILL fall.  The great nation of The United States IS going to experience some sort of economic downfall, and I feel it will be sooner rather than later.

The big question for this sort of assumption is, "when".  When is this going to happen?  The scary part is, we do not know.  God is in control and can slam the hand of judgement anytime He sees fit.  For me, I feel we are going to experience inflation starting in the coming year.  After that, inflation will either gradually continue, or there will be an actual collapse.  It is our job as Christians to #1 spread the word of repentance, #2 educate our family and friends, and #3 be responsible by not ignoring the facts and taking the steps to provide for our family, considering a possible economic crises.  This is the reason for this blog.  I have far too many words to say and articles to post for my simple Facebook page.  I also want to reach as many people as possible with this wake-up call.  Please feel free to pass along my words, only because I would feel horrible if I could have warned someone and didn't because it was "too hard" or "too much work".  No. It is time for us to wake up, get real, and go get it. 

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