Friday, November 8, 2013

Winter Projects: for those ho-hum days

1. Clean out the fridge! And I mean really clean it! 
- get out all the nasty food
- wipe down the shelves with soapy water
- reorganize according to food type

2. Go through all of your and your children's clothes to donate what they truly don't wear anymore. 
- a good rule is if you haven't worn it in a year, you probably won't wear it again
- an exception to the rule would be formal wear

3. Organize the pantry
- not only clean the shelves and walls, but organize food according to food type
- if you're REALLY crazy (like me!), make an inventoried list of the food you have.  This helps you meal plan.
- organize and sort food according to Best-By Date! Obviously the food at the front is the earlier date.

4. Attack the storage room
- how much of our STUFF is really worth keeping?  Encourage your family members to donate or gift to friends in need.
- pick up a few apple boxes from your local grocery store.  These make great storage containers, and the lack of cost is enough to overcome my sadness that they aren't clear.  The grocer will be MORE than happy to connect you with some boxes, as it means less work for him at the end of the day.  Banana boxes have a hole in the bottom, and apple boxes have proportional-fitting lids, hence why they are my favorite. 

5. Rearrange the furniture
- the kids will LOVE the fun change, even though your husband might take a bit to warm up to it (like my dear hubby)
- clean as you go. Vacuum, collect the coins you find, etc.

6. Help the kids trade rooms
- my three siblings and I did this ALL the time growing up, and it brought us a lot of joy.  Not only were we getting a new, exciting space to call our own, but it forced us to work together happily for the benefit of each other.
- again, clean as you go. Sorting, sweeping, mopping, etc.

7. Make freezer meals
- I will have a future post with tried-and-true recipes for this, but for now use google ;P
- great for keeping for a rushed day or to give to someone ill, had a baby, lost a loved one, etc

8. Wash the walls
- you'd be surprised the grease and grime build-up from the sticky Popsicle fingers and homemade french fries around not only your kitchen, but mudroom and living room walls.  Grab an ice cream bucket with some warm water and a touch of dish soap.

9. Visit the nursing home and/or hospital
- you don't need children or even a pet to do this (even though either are great, if you are willing and able!)
- simply ask someone at the desk if there is a patient who would like a visitor.  Many wonderful and meaningful relationships for me have been built this way.
- bring a deck of cards ;P  And prepare to get your tooshie beat!

- there are many places in your community that could use your and your family's help.  Even if it's just for one afternoon
- check out your local food bank, nursing homes (do you have a craft you could help the residents learn as a presentation? Ask to be put on their event calender), non-profit thrift store, animal shelter, etc.  :-)

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