Thursday, November 7, 2013

Cold and Flu Prevention/Treatment: Elderberry Syrup (DIY!)

Elderberry Syrup
Cold and Flu Prevention/Treatment
This week, I took a recipe from my favorite blog and tried my own variation.  In my county, we have to travel at least 30 minutes to get to the nearest health food store.  Therefore, most of us tend to plan ahead and order our organic/natural items via a monthly co-op.  After running the numbers, I found that it would be more beneficial to my frugal family to purchase a bottle of elderberry extract rather than actual elderberries themselves.  However, the recipe I was following called for simmering the actual berries.  Time for experiment mode!  After some quick calculations, I decided 10 droppers-full of the extract would get me about the same amount as boiling/simmering the 2/3 cup berries.  The end result was a daily dose of a VERY tasty herbal remedy, and the best part is knowing my family will benefit from its natural properties.

10 droppers-full pure elderberry extract 
4 cups water
2 quarter-sized slices of fresh ginger root, quartered (more easily permeated by water)
1 tsp cinnamon powder
1/2 tsp ground cloves
1 cup raw, local honey
Here is what I did:
1) In a saucepan, heat all but the honey to a boil.  Remove from heat.
2) Add honey, and mix well.
3) Pour into quart jar container with a lid (old mayonnaise lids work wonderfully!) and keep refrigerated. 
The dose is 1/2 to 1tsp for children, and 1/2 to 1 Tablespoon for adults.  Take daily during cold and flu season, and especially if symptoms for these illnesses arise.  Already caught a cold or flu bug?  Please see my other posts on natural remedies and herbs helpful for these illnesses.
Now, wasn't that easy? Three steps to reaping the wonderful health benefits of elderberry and honey.  Remember, buying local honey is one of the best health choices you can make.  Not only does it support your local economy, but it carries allergens particular to your area.  This enables your body to, in times of health, become accustom and even immune to the allergens you come in contact with every time you take in a breath of fresh air. :-)
**because the water was boiled and honey cannot go bad, along with the preservation properties of both cinnamon and cloves, your quart of elderberry extract should last you the entire cold/flu season if kept refrigerated**

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