Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Prepping Part 4: How-To Table of Contents

Greetings!  I have set the table for why I might be considered a Prepper, and have served the food by introducing you to the two categories of Preparedness in natural vs. manmade disasters.  It is now time to dig in and get down to business.  I am a known list-maker, and therefore wanted to give my readers an organized page to refer to for the future blog posts on the subject of preparing.  Granted, I will edit this page as I realize what I have accidentally left out, but eventually we will make it to a stable list.

Before I post the list, I wanted to also put a plug out there for the book that persuaded me to go down this path.  The book is called, How To Survive the End of the World As We Know It, by James Wesley Rawles.
This book is simply amazing.  Yes, it sounds like a crazy person book, but I believe you and I are well past that stage and can connect on a mutual understanding of where we are coming from.  Mr. Rawles is a former US Army Intelligence Officer and sheds a lot of light and "inside" information on the current state of our country.  It would also be in your best interest to scour his blog for his valuable (and FREE!) information.

Prepper "How-To" Table of Contents
Intro: Possible Disasters and Their Definitions
1. Water
2. Food- short-term storage
3. Food- long-term storage
4. Food- gardening
5. Food- harvesting
6. Food- water bath canning
7. Food- pressure canner canning
8. Food- dehydrating
9. Food- freezing
10. Shelter
11. Sanitation
12. Energy
13. First-Aid
14. Defense
15. Tactical/Defensive Living Skills
16. Security
17. Communication
18. Bartering
19. Charity and Giving
20. Pets
21. Orienteering
22. Sewing
23. Off-Grid Weekend

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