Thursday, November 7, 2013

Welcome to my Blog!


May the grace of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ work in you and bless you during your visit to my blog.  The purpose of "Back to Basics: Midwestern Style" is to communicate, display, and share the passions my family keeps in the older traditions of our American forefathers, and to demonstrate how they function in a Midwestern climate, community, and culture.  After all, a "back to basics"-minded person in Vermont is going to be able to share a different lifestyle than the cacti-laden hills of Arizona, and vice versa.

Please enjoy your time here.  Please feel free to ask questions or comment, and I will try my best to answer promptly.  The power of kindred spirits is amazing, and I would be so happy if I could be an encouragement to you! :-)  Blessings!

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