Wednesday, January 22, 2014

The Basics of Herbs for Mommies

Please see my video here
Common Childhood Illnesses with Herbal Home Remedies
Constipation: inability to have a bowel movement, stomach cramping, loss of appetite
            -RHUBARB or RHUBARB JUICE 
            -PRUNE JUICE
            -1 tsp per day FLAX SEED OIL
            -MOVEMENT and MASSAGE
Colic/Gas: crying, fussing baby, inconsolable. Cries during the night, esp if baby is a back-sleeper.
            -FENNEL SEED tea (mix with milk in bottle)
            -CATNIP and FENNEL SEED extract (rub on tummy, or a few drops under tongue. Follow label directions)

Common Cold/Flu: symptoms include fever, muscle aches, sore throat, coughing, sneezing, congestion, headache
            -ECHINACIA extract or tea (follow label instructions)
            -add FRESH GARLIC to diet
            -ELDERBERRY extract or syrup
            -ROSE HIPS extract or tea (high in Vitamin C)
            -cut sugar and increase fruits/veggie intake
            -increase fluids

Diarrhea: VERY dangerous for infants. Dehydration occurs fast.
            -treat the ROOT CAUSE
            -Activated Charcoal to treat any bad bacteria in stomach
            -if charcoal is not working, try GINGER ROOT or RED RASPBERRY LEAF TEA
            -other options for a child over 2 are BAYBERRY and BARBERRY together
            -other options for child under 2 are PROPOLIS RESIN, OLIVE LEAF, and     ELDERBERRY extract

Ear Infection: characterized by fever, fussiness, shrieking in pain, pulling at the ear, and even foul smell coming from the ear. May also notice swollen glands (lymph nodes) in the neck below ear.
            -TEA TREE OIL mixed with equal parts OLIVE OIL (5-10 drops, insert small piece cotton ball)
            -PEELED GARLIC diluted in OLIVE OIL (about half a clove crushed per 50 drops Olive Oil)

Fever: rising body temperature is a sign that the body is fighting off an infection.  Muscle aches signify an advanced fever wherein the body is being depleted of calcium, which powers white blood cells.
            -CALCIUM CITRATE (2 pills for adults, 1 for children under 12, and a half pill ground up into juice/bottle for under 2 years old. Continue until fever is gone)   *CANNOT overdose calcium*
           -see my blog post about how calcium brings down a fever

Growing Pains: pain in arms/legs, much like shin splints. Most often occur at night. A child actually should not have growing pains as it is a sign of a calcium deficiency.
            -CALCIUM CITRATE (2 pills/day for children over 12, 1 pill/day for under 12)

Poisoning: call local Poison Control at 1-800-222-1222 (PUT THAT IN YOUR CELL PHONE RIGHT NOW!) and 911 if advised to
            -immediately induce vomiting (have child ingest 1/3 cup hydrogen peroxide)
            -give ACTIVATED CHARCOAL (Adults 2 capsules. Children 1 capsule.  Children under 2, a half capsule opened and put into water/small amount of juice
            -see my blog post about Activated Charcoal

Stomach Bug: cramping, possible fever, vomiting
            -ACTIVATED CHARCOAL (adults 2 capsules on an empty stomach, which is 1 hour before or 2 hours after a meal.  Children 1 capsule.  Children under 2, a half capsule opened and put into water/small amount of juice. Repeat dose ONLY AS NEEDED every 4-6 hours, NOT EXCEEDING  6 DOSES IN 24 HOURS)   
 *Stool will be darker and less solid as the charcoal is pushing out toxins*                    
 **Also important 2nd step in poisoning (see Poisoning)**
            -PAPAYA pills (follow label directions. Good also for heartburn, indigestion)

Teething: the formation and growth of “baby” teeth can be quite painful for little ones.  Find which natural method works for your baby.
            -CALCIUM CITRATE, especially if a fever is present (ground some calcium pills in a food processor/blender/or in a baggie using a hammer and mix ½-1tsp in with a bottle/juice as needed)
            -1 part CHAMOMILE EXTRACT to 3 parts OLIVE OIL (rubs on gums as needed)
            -CHAMOMILE and CATNIP TEA to calm baby for bed (make sure it is lukewarm)
            -PEPPERMINT SCHNAPPS rubbed on gums will numb the gums without harmful chemicals found in commercial teething gels

Thrush: intestinal yeast infection, characterized by white on the tongue/inside of cheeks and gas. Child will be fussy. Mother may have sore, red, and cracking nipples.
            -nursing mother add more FRESH GARLIC to her diet
            -begin daily regimen of refrigerated, LIVE PROBIOTICS (for nursing mother, but also can open and pour 1/3-1/2 capsule on baby’s tongue before each feeding)
            -MUST ELIMINATE ALL SUGAR FROM DIET as yeast feeds on sugar
            -ASODOPHILIS can also help, but is more harsh
            -swab made of 1 tsp BAKING SODA and 3 tsp WATER is a good cleanser for mouth and nipple after each feeding

1.) A Mother’s Guide to Herbal Extracts, by Kathy Garber
7.) The Encyclopedia of Country Living, by Carla Emery
8.) The Bulk Herb Store with Shoshanna Easling (, and also her youtube videos (


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