Saturday, January 11, 2014

Homemade, REUSEABLE, Baby Wipes

Sounds gross, but some of us cloth diaper, so what's the difference? :P

 Before my son was born, I spent a winter day making baby wipes and burp rags out of adorable cotton-fleece material.  I am not a very good seamstress, so neither the burp rags or wipes look fancy at all like some of the ones my friends have made with crocheted perimeters.  Mine are made from 8x8 inch squares of cotton-fleece, and after sewing (right sides together) 2 pieces together and flipping inside out, they are 7.5x7.5 inches.  Consequently, I have successfully used this homemade wipe system for almost 2 years now and know they will last through at least a few more children!  Here is what I do:

Step 1: Gather ingredients
There are many recipes out there, but for those on a budget (like me) and for those who are simple-seekers (also me), I use WITCH HAZEL and BABY OIL with ALOE.  If I had more money, I would add some VITAMIN E capsules, but for now this has been working.  

- ice cream bucket
- 20-25 cloth wipes
- 2 cups hot water (I nuke for 2 minutes)
- 2 T. witch hazel (antiseptic)
- 2 T. baby oil with aloe (to heal baby's bottom)
 Step 2: Make solution and pour!
Heat the water to hot (I just use the microwave, but stove top with a kettle works, too).

Then, mix in the witch hazel and baby oil into the hot water, stir well. 

Lastly, pour the solution into the ice cream bucket, over the wipes.  I pour around the 4 corners so the top wipe doesn't filter out all of the baby oil.

 Put the lid on, and BE SURE TO REPLACE LID AFTER TAKING A WIPE or they all will dry out!  My husband has done this a time or two.  The wipes will last about 2 weeks, give or take, depending on the number of diapered children in your home.  I have never had an issue with mold in the wipes or their container, but if any appears, just wash the container well. 

When done with a wipe, simply place in the same container as your soiled cloth diapers and wash along with.  :-)  Happy Wiping!

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