Saturday, January 25, 2014

Nip It BY the Bud Concoction

Herbs. Natural remedies. Homemade empowerment. Nothing can feel more amazing than knowing you helped stop an infection, illness, or treated a wound all on your own without even having to consider a trip to the doctor!  What a great and wonderful thing!  My husband and I were blessed to experience yet another instance of herbs helping solve a health issue.

My husband had just returned from a business trip to New York, and the next day he came home from work not feeling well at ALL.  Now, my husband is not the whimpy type.  No sir!  Half of the time, one wouldn't even know he was feeling ill!  So for him to drag himself in the door and collapse in the recliner told me something was quite wrong.  I asked him what about him was feeling poorly, and he described the beginning symptoms of Influenza A.  Fever, muscle aches, body temperature extremes accompanied with chills and reciprocating hot flashes, extreme tiredness, and the beginnings of a sore throat.

Time for Maggie's "Nip it BY the Bud" concoction, which is my own recipe for extreme immune boost.  I call it Nip it BY the bud because that's exactly what we're using: buds of herbs essentially. :-)  This recipe is intended to make as a soothing tea, so grab your kettle, mug, tea ball or bag, and the following pieces of your own home pharmacy!
-1 herbal tea bag (no caffeine, I used honey chamomile because I wanted the healing properties of chamomile)
In tea ball:
-1 tsp. rose hips
-1 tsp. catnip
Add after the above ingredients have seeped 3-4min.
-1 dropper elderberry extract
-15 to 20 drops liquid echinacea  
-1 tsp. local honey, as a sweetener (optional)
*Serve 3-4 times during the day*
**Also administer 2 calcium citrate or calcium-magnesium to bring down the FEVER**

Ta Da! To be honest, I wasn't sure this would work, but the next morning he woke up feeling much better, and improved throughout the day as I continued to give him this Immune Boosting tea. :-)  With the onset of illness, there is not a moment to lose to help your body fight off the infection!  Happy Healthing! 


  1. Where do you buy your honey locally? You can email me. I live here by town also. Just so you know I'm not a creeper lol! :)

    1. Hello Dawn! I emailed back :-) I didn't want to throw their name out online just for their own privacy and safety, but I did email you their name and phone number. :) Thanks for asking! :-)


Feel free to comment and/or question! I will get back to you as soon as I can! :-)