Sunday, January 26, 2014

Aromatherapy Recipes

The following is an organized list put together by a good friend of mine.  While pregnant with her third child, she took the time to type out her favorite recipes from the book by Valerie Gennari Cooksley, "Aromatherapy: A Lifetime Guide to Healing Essential Oils".
While the list seems daunting, grab a cup of herbal tea and sift through to get some ideas that might fit you and your family. :-)  Happy Healthing!
*note: prices at the end may have changed since this was gathered about a year ago*

Peaceful Sleep:

14 drops Lavender
4 drops Marjoram
2 drops Clary Sage

Add to 4 oz distilled water to make a room mister. Shake before each use.

Peaceful Sleep Bath:

4 drops Lavender
3 drops Marjoram
3 drops Lime
carrier of choice

Add the oils to your carrier and mix completely. After the bath has filled, add the aromatic mixture and stir with your hands. Soak for 20 to 30 minutes.

Peaceful Sleep Inhalation Blend:

3 parts Lavender
2 parts Marjoram
2 parts Lime
1 part Mandarin

To make a large amount, enough to use in a diffuser: Measure each part with an eye dropper or teaspoon. To make a small amount, to be used with an aroma lamp, light ring, etc.: Measure each part by drops.

Peaceful Sleep Body Oil (to ease night sweats and promote sleep):

4 tbls. Vegetable oil
1 tsp Borage or Evening Primrose Oil
10 drops Lavender
6 drops Grapefruit
5 drops Marjoram
4 drops Cypress

In an amber glass bottle, add the essential oils. Add 1 tsp. of borage or evening primrose oil (or combination). Add the vegetable oil and shake well. Label contents. Apply nightly on chest and neck areas. This is a body oil and can be used freely on the body.

Massage Oil for Backache (especially during pregnancy):

4 tbls. Vegetable oil
5 drops Lavender
3 drops Rosemary
3 drops Sandalwood
1 drop Geranium

In a 2 oz. amber glass bottle, add the essential oils. Be sure to measure the exact amounts carefully. Add the vegetable oil or sweet almond oil. Shake well and label contents. To apply this oil simply pour a small amount on the palms of your hands and rub together to warm. Apply by massaging into the sacrum and lower back area for a few minutes. Apply counter-pressure with your thumbs, as this can bring additional relief. Take a few deep, relaxing breaths.

Inhalation Synergy Blend for Labor (to ease pain, promote relaxation and centeredness):

8 parts Lavender
1 part Frankincense

*Perhaps use as a mist sprayer in 4 oz distilled water. Could also place a few drops of the mixture on a cotton ball in a baggie for inhalation as needed.

Labor Oil (a pain-relieving blend):

2 tbls. Sweet almond or vegetable oil
2 tbls. St. John’s Wort or Arnica infusion oil
8 drops Lavender
3 drops Clary Sage
1 drop Chamomile

In an amber glass bottle, mix the essential oils with the carrier oils. Combine well by shaking the bottle and label contents with directions for use. Warm a small amount of oil in your hands before applying to the lower abdomen or lower back area (sacrum).

Post-Delivery Peri-Wash:

7 ounces warm distilled water
2 tbls. Witch hazel
1 drop Lavender
1 drop Patchouli

In a clean plastic bottle, add the essential oils and witch hazel. Shake well. Add the warm water and shake again to mix well. Before using this peri-wash solution, you must shake it very well as the essential oils float to the top quickly. Alternatively, you can mix the essential oils in a little honey to emulsify them, making them water-soluble. After voiding, rinse the perineum with this aromatic solution to be fresh and clean.

Post-Partum Depression Synergy Blend (to balance and uplift):

4 parts Lavender
2 parts Ylang Ylang
2 parts Clary Sage
1 part Bergamot
1 part Mandarin

Mix the above essential oils in an amber glass bottle with screw top. For a large amount, use an eye dropper or teaspoon as the measure. If a smaller amount is needed, simply count them out as drops, using the above ratios.
*Perhaps use as a mist spray in 4 oz of water. Can also be used in a bath, in a diffuser, or applied on the skin in a lotion or oil. Can also have a few drops placed on a cotton ball in a baggie and inhaled when needed.

Bug Off Skin Oil (to apply to the skin; avoid the eyes):

2 tbls. Vegetable oil
5 drops Cedarwood
4 drops Lemon (optional, substitute Lemongrass, Rosemary, or Eucalyptus)
2 drops Geranium
1 drop Citronella

In a plastic squeeze bottle, add the essential oils. Omit the lemon oil if you plan on being in the direct sunlight and substitute. Add 2 tbls of vegetable oil and shake well. Label contents with directions for use.

Aromatic Oil for Baby (to prevent and treat diaper rash):

4 tbls. Calendula infusion oil
10 drops Lavender
1 drop Chamomile

In a 2-oz amber glass bottle, add the essential oils. All lavender oil can be used in lieu of the chamomile. Add the calendula oil. Shake to mix well. Label with directions for use. Apply on dry skin, in small amounts.

Aromatic Massage Oil for Children (a relaxing hand or foot massage blend):

2 tbls. Warm vegetable oil
5-10 drops Lavender or Mandarin or a combination

Mix the essential oil in the warm vegetable oil.

Mellow Mist (a room spray to relax):

1 cup distilled water
20 drops Mandarin
10 drops Lavender
5 drops Marjoram
5 drops Sandalwood
a spray bottle with a fine mist nozzle

Fill a spray bottle with 1 cup of distilled water. Add the essential oils. Shake well before each use, as the essential oils float to the top of the water and are not soluble in the water on their own. Use this aromatic water to mist a room, furniture, pillowcase, or the telephone.

Teething Oil:

1 tbls. Olive oil
1 drop Chamomile

Add the essential oil to the olive oil. Rub a small amount onto the affected gum line. Store in a small amber glass bottle with an eyedropper and label. Keep it in the refrigerator for future use, as the cool oil will provide additional relief. Take it out a few minutes before applying, as the olive oil will thicken.

Re-Charge Synergy Blend:

6 parts Lavender
3 parts Basil (not to be used during pregnancy)
2 parts Pine
1 part Nutmeg

Mix the essential oils in an amber glass bottle. Use a few drops in an aroma lamp or inhale from a tissue. Ideally, this blend is nice to use in a diffuser to disperse the essential oils into the room air two or three times per day.

Nature’s Answer (an inhalation blend for mild depression):

4 parts Clary Sage
4 parts Ylang Ylang
3 parts Geranium
2 parts Basil (not to be used during pregnancy)
1 part Sandalwood

Mix the above essential oils in an amber glass bottle. Label. To use in a diffuser, simply add to the bottle or reservoir for the apparatus. If using this blend in an aroma lamp or simmering pot, add 4 to 6 drops and allow to diffuse into the room.

Aromatic Bath for the Blues (for mild bouts of depression):

¼ cup Honey (or other carrier)
3 drops Lavender
3 drops Ylang Ylang
2 drops Basil (not to be used during pregnancy)
2 drops Geranium
1 drop Grapefruit

Mix the essential oils in the honey. Fill the bathtub with warm water then add the aromatic honey mixture. Stir well using your hands. Soak for 20 to 30 minutes.

Elation Formulation (a concentrated massage oil for mild depression):

2 tbls sweet almond oil (or vegetable oil)
1 tsp. Wheat Germ Oil
8 drops Lavender
8 drops Ylang Ylang
2 drops Basil (not to be used during pregnancy)
2 drops Geranium
2 drops Bergamot

In an amber glass bottle, add the essential oils. Add the sweet almond oil and wheat germ oil. Shake gentle to mix well. Label. To use apply a small amount onto the back of the hands and chest area. Inhale the essences from the back of the hands. The oils will also be absorbed through the skin. Apply two or three times a day.

Kiss Me Mouthwash:

1 cup distilled water
1 tsp raw honey
2 drops Peppermint
2 drops Spearmint
1 drop Anise

Measure out honey into measuring cup. Add the essential oils, not exceeding 6 drops total. Mix well with the honey. Add a small amount of warm distilled water to the honey until completely dissolved. Add the remaining amount of water. Bottle and label. Shake well before each use and swish for 30 to 60 seconds.  For optimal freshness make weekly.

Steam Inhalation for Catarrh (to loosen and expectorate mucus):

Ceramic or glass bowl
4 cups hot water
2 drops eucalyptus
1 drop cedarwood
a towel

Pour hot water into bowl. Add 2 or 3 drops of the essential oils listed above. Hold head over bowl (about 8 inches from water) and cover your head with the towel to form a tent. Keep eyes closed during this treatment. Slowly and deeply inhale through the nose and mouth. Steam for 5 to 10 minutes for full benefit. Pat face and neck area dry with towel. Keep neck and chest covered and warm following treatment. Follow with chest rub.

Chest Rub for Catarrh (for stuffy nose):

2 oz vegetable oil
20 drops Eucalyptus
5 drops Basil (not recommended during pregnancy)
5 drops Peppermint
5 drops Cedarwood

In an amber glass bottle add the above essential oils. Then pour the 2 ounces of vegetable oil into the bottle. Shake well and label. This oil is to be applied to the upper chest area, lower neck, and back (between the shoulder blades and base of neck). Inhale the essential oils from your hands following the application. Use 2 or 3 times per day, preferably in the early morning and at bedtime.

Steam Inhalation for Sinusitis (for relief of sinus congestion, a pulmonary antiseptic):

Ceramic or glass bowl
4 cups of hot water
1 drop Eucalyptus
1 drop Tea Tree Oil
1 drop Pine

Pour the hot water in a bowl and add the essential oils. Form a tent over your head with the towel. Keep your eyes closed and place your head approximately 8 inches from the water level to prevent a steam burn. Set a timer for convenience, and inhale slowly and deeply for 10 minutes. This steam treatment should be done at least twice per day, three times if infection is present.

Open Sesame Sinus Oil (massage oil/nose drops for sinusitis):

1 tbls. Sesame oil
3 drops Lavender
2 drops Eucalyptus
1 drop Peppermint

To the sesame oil, add the correct amount of the above essential oils. Mix well.

To use as a massage oil: Apply sparingly to the face in the areas of the affected sinuses. Avoid the eyes as much as possible. Massage into the skin until absorbed. Inhale from finger tips before washing hands well. May be used three times a day.

To use as nose drops: Tilt head back and, using an eyedropper, place 1 drop of the above sinus oil mix into each nostril. OR use direction to inhale oil from finger. May be used up to three times per day.

Cold and Flu Relief (1st line of defense for combating colds):

4 drops Hyssop
3 drops Rosemary
3 drops Peppermint
3 drops Eucalyptus
3 drops Lemon

Combine the above essential oils in a small amber bottle. There is a total of 16 drops in this recipe. To use in a steam inhalation, put 3 or 4 drops of the combined oiled in a bowl of hot water. Do at least 2 or 3 treatments per day, especially at the first day of onset of symptoms for best results. You can also use half the recipe above to use in an aromatic bath. Bathe in a hot tub for at least 15 minutes. Dry yourself completely and wrap up in a cotton terry bathrobe or blanket. Rest for a half hour or more.

Aromatic Chest Rub I (for moist coughs):

2 tbls. Vegetable oil
12 drops Eucalyptus
8 drops Hyssop
4 drops Rosemary

Mix the essential oils in with the vegetable oil. Store in amber glass bottle and label. Massage upper chest are and lower neck, both front and back. Inhale essences from hands several times before washing them. Use twice per day.

Aromatic Chest Rub II (for dry coughs):

2 tbls. Vegetable oil
12 drops Eucalyptus
6 drops Hyssop
3 drops Pine
3 drops Lemon

Combine the essential oils with the vegetable oil. Store in an amber glass bottle and label. Massage on upper chest and lower neck area on both front and back. Inhale essences from hands before washing them well. Use twice per day.

Sweet Dreams (Valerie’s Sleep Pillow Recipe):

4 parts Sweet Woodruff (smells like fresh mown hay)
2 parts Lemon Balm
2 parts Lavender
1 part each of the following: Hops, Rosebuds, Chamomile, Marjoram, Thyme, Sage, Rosemary (grind the leaves so they don’t poke through the pillow), Southernwood, Mugwort, and Cinnamon
1 part powdered or finely ground Orris Root
Lavender, Chamomile, and Marjoram essential oils

Mix the above combination of sleep-inducing herbs, flowers, and spices in a large bowl. If you are making one pillow, the portions can be 1 tablespoon = 1 part. If you are making enough for gifts, use 1 cup = 1 part. However, when it comes time to add the essential oils, add about 3 to 5 drops per pillow. To do this, simply count out the drops onto the orris root and mix well with a spoon or mortar and pestle. Then add this to the premixed herbs in the bowl. Put about 1 to 1.5 cups of herbs into each pillow, depending on the size. Sew up the opening. Now tuck your sleep pillow inside our bed pillow. Sweet dreams…

Best Carrier Oil Options:

-          Sweet Almond Oil
-          Sunflower Oil
-          Olive Oil
-          Sesame Oil
-          Unscented Body Lotion

Measurement Help:

1 cc  = 1 mL = 20 drops
1 oz = ~30 mL
SO: 1/8 oz = 75 drops, ¼ oz = 150 drops, ½ oz = 300 drops, 1 oz = 600 drops

All Prices from Rose Mountain Herbs:

Lavender - $17.50/oz
Marjoram, Sweet - $18.50/oz
Clary Sage - $25.50/oz
Lime - $7/oz
Mandarin - $21/oz
Grapefruit – $17/oz
Cypress - $24.50/oz
Rosemary - $9/oz
Sandalwood - $143/oz
Geranium - $32/oz
Frankincense - $35/oz
Chamomile (Roman) - $140/oz
Patchouli - $19/oz
Ylang Ylang - $29.50/oz
Bergamot - $28/oz
Cedarwood (Atlas) - $7/oz
Lemon - $9/oz
Citronella - $4/oz
Peppermint - $13/oz
Tea Tree Oil - $9/oz
Spearmint - $8.50/oz
Anise - $7/oz
Basil - $15/oz
Pine, Scotch - $12/oz
Hyssop - $26/oz
Eucalyptus - $4/oz

Sweet Almond Oil - $9/16 oz
Sesame Oil - $8.50/16 oz
St. John’s Wort Infusion Oil - $8.71/2 oz
Arnica Infusion Oil - $19.50/2 oz
Borage or Evening Primrose Oil - $33/16 oz
Calendual Infusion Oil - $7.75/2 oz
Witch Hazel Extract - $6/16 oz.

Amber Bottles:

1/24 oz - $0.75/ea
1/8 oz - $0.75/ea
¼ oz with screw cap - $1/ea
½ oz with screw cap - $1/ea
1 oz with screw cap - $1/ea
2 oz with screw cap - $1.25/ea
4 oz with screw cap - $1.75/ea
8 oz with screw cap - $2.75/ea

Cobalt Glass Bottles:

4 oz with screw cap - $1.50/ea  - for spray bottles

Large Black Fingertip Mister – Fits 4 oz Cobalt - $0.75/ea

Glass Droppers:

For 4 oz bottles - $0.60/ea
For 2 oz bottles - $0.50/ea
For 1 oz bottles - $0.50/ea
For ½ oz bottles - $0.50/ea
For ¼ oz bottles - $0.60/ea

Plastic Bottles – for Peri-Wash:

4 oz bottle - $0.70/ea

(picture from

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