Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Rhubarb Juice for the Waterbath Canner

The Recipe
32 cups (or 2 Ziplock gallon bags) chopped rhubarb
10 quarts water
1 (12oz) can frozen orange juice
2 cups pineapple juice
4-5 cups sugar (depending on your taste preference)

Will Also Need:
waterbath canner with basket
13-14 quart jars with proper lids and rims
clean pillowcase
rubber gloves (the ones used for deep cleaning)
canner supplies (magnetic lid wand, jar funnel, jar lifter, ladle, etc)

Step 1: Harvest and cut rhubarb
16 cups fits perfectly into a gallon ziplock bag, so I spend an evening cutting the rhubarb to save time during canning day.  If I am lucky, I can get 4 batches (enough for the year with one quart of juice per week) done in a day.  However, I most often end up doing two batches, wait a month for the rhubarb to grow back, and do the other two.   

Step 2: Add water, cook down the rhubarb.
On the stove top in 2 big pans, I separate the rhubarb and water proportionally and cook it until boiling/soft.

Step 3: Let rhubarb cool a bit, then strain into clean, empty, larger pots.  I strain the rhubarb through a pillowcase wearing rubber gloves.  It's also handy if you have someone to help as holding the pillowcase up and squeezing out the juice can be hard by yourself.  It's also helpful to do this outside if you can.  Collect the juice in the waiting pots, leaving the pulp in the pillowcase to compost later.

Step 4: Mix in your juices and sugar.

Step 5: Prepare canner and lids.

Step 6: Fill jars, waterbath can for 5 minutes. After boiling 5 minutes, turn off the heat and let the jars sit for another 5 minutes.  Pull out jars using your jar lifter, and set on a towel on the counter.  Let cool overnight and check seals in the morning.  Label and store, and enjoy some vitamin C-rich citrus juice in the middle of the winter!  Happy Healthing!  


  1. So happy to see my Mom's recipe getting some good use. We haven't had the chance to get together for her to teach me so when I made my first batch yesterday I used your blog to help guide me- almost as if my mom was in the kitchen with me, too!

    1. Hey Julia! So sorry I just now published and replied to your comment! It went in my "social" folder in gmail, which I NEVER check. Comments awaiting moderation for my blog normally come to my normal email, so this is why I missed it for so long.
      I am glad you enjoyed the recipe. I actually changed it a bit from your mother's recipe, by using only 1 can of orange juice rather than 2. It seems to work just as fine, and saves me 1.50 per batch, which is nice. :) Glad you were able to use the blog to make it!


Feel free to comment and/or question! I will get back to you as soon as I can! :-)