Thursday, August 7, 2014

Owie Oil

Alright, I'll be honest, I have gone back and forth (...and back and forth again) about whether or not to create this post.  When I first created Owie Oil, it was a huge hit at our local farmer's market and also with fellow young mothers in the community.  I suddenly realized I really had something here!  I'd finally created something original that worked and that people loved and, per advice out there, never do something you're good at for free.....right?

But that's not what Jesus would do.  That's not the Christian thing to do.  The entire purpose of this blog is to share with others things I've learned; and yes, even created on my own, in order to help others live more healthful lives.  Result?  A blog post about how to make your very own Owie Oil.

So, what is Owie Oil anyway?  Owie Oil is for EVERYONE, not just mothers of small children.  Owie Oil is for ANY skin condition, which includes, but is not limited to, cuts, scrapes, insect bites, animal bites, eczema, sun burns, low-grade burns, etc.  

How does it work?  Think of Owie Oil as a natural form of the commercial Neosporin.  The ingredients listed below are all specially-designed by God to be skin-healing, antibacterial agents.  Take a look at what's inside! 
*(for those of you that know me personally and live around where I do, our local town Fareway grocery store now carries coconut oil, tea tree oil (by the pharmacy), and even lavender oil!)*
Coconut Oil- natural anti-fungal base
Plantain- what was once a weed in your yard is now a powerful antiseptic skin and tissue regenerating agent!
Tea Tree Oil- very concentrated antibacterial help
Lavender Essential Oil- relaxing aroma and mild relaxing properties for the skin

While this oil will take about 3 weeks to create, the results will last you and your family for months!
Step 1: Hunt for and harvest plantain
If you live in the continental US, I can pretty much guarantee you have this "weed" growing in your yard, next to the driveway, or in the ally.  If not, a quick trip to the city park or on a gravel road will produce a quick find.  
Harvest the leaves and stuff into a pint jar until half full.  When you get home, rinse the leaves and jar, then return to the jar.
Fill the jar with coconut oil, which in most cases is going to be a solid.  Cover with a good lid and set outside or inside in the sun.  As the coconut oil melts (at about 73 degrees), you may have to add more to make the jar full.
Let the jar sit in the sun for 3 weeks.  You want to keep the oil in liquid form as often as possible.  For me, my jar of oil solidifies overnight if I forget to bring it inside, but it will not hurt anything.  The longer it is a liquid, the more extraction we will get out of the plantain.
Periodically shake the jar to prevent mold from forming at the top.  It shouldn't, but if mold DOES happen to form, skim off that top layer of oil/plant that has been infected and keep a sharp eye.  You may have to begin again.
Also, plantain has an interesting smell, so don't be put off that your batch is going bad.  Only become worried if mold forms.

Step 2: After 3 weeks of "brewing" your plantain, it is time to make our Owie Oil!!!  Gather the GLASS containers you wish to use your oil for.  I use old glass 1 oz bottles for household use, and when I sell/give as gifts, I use the small jam canning jars.  

glass jars/bottles
tea tree oil
lavender essential oil
optional: vitamin E oil or calendula infused oil
Remember: coconut oil will go between solid and liquid as the temperature changes, so make sure the people you give this to understand it can be used in both forms just the same. :-)

Straining the infused oils
Step 3: Strain plantain.  We want to keep as much of the infused oil as possible, so as you strain, try to catch it all.  Great ways to strain include a cheesecloth, couple of paper towels, or even a coffee filter.  As your strainer gets clogged with tiny plant pieces, you may have to scrape them out gently in order to keep the oil flowing into your containers.

Finished Owie Oil, ready for my mommy friends!

Step 4: Add the additives!
I have found 20 drops Tea Tree Oil and 6 drops lavender essential oil to work best, but the great thing about natural remedies is they aren't sensitive to experimentation for the most part.  This would also be the time to add some Vitamin E oil if you'd like, and for mine I also add some infused calendula oil I have made using the same process as we did the plantain.  Mix well, and you now have a GREAT, NATURAL form of triple antibiotic!  
Go ahead, try it on yourself and your kids!  Next time you find yourself scratching a mosquito bite, put a dab of this oil on and after a few minutes you'll have forgotten all about the bite!  When you son takes a tumble off his new tricycle (like mine did!), coat the scrape in Owie Oil, let it dry a bit, and send him on his way.  The next day the scrape will have healed to what would normally take three or four days!  
Lastly, research plantain.  This plant has far greater properties and uses than just Owie Oil!  Did you know you can eat it like spinach to help heal esophagus burns from acid reflux and ulcers?  Or that it can heal hemorrhoids?  HAPPY HEALTHING!


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